Snuggly Cat is run by Yoda, Spock, JinG and their humans Fred & Natasha|
KITTY FILES2021-05-08T02:13:42+05:00

Articles, News, Announcements, Products, Health & Kittyness…

What goes on in a cat’s head? Who knows? Let’s try and pretend that we know what they are thinking! We share all here…

mom gave good milk!

I love my mommy-cat. She’s the best. She put up with six of us. We sucked, clawed and snuggled with her non-stop – both day and night. She may have started to loose interest in

healthy ‘n’ hungry fur-balls

I don’t really remember that much from back then. A ten-day old kitty just sleeps mostly. On that day though, something strange happened. Fuzzy things were moving in front of my face. It was pretty

september 1st

Day of Brightness. Day One.

I was born.
The thought still brings fur-balls to my throat!
The first thing I remember was – a heated pink tunnel. The warm fuzziness of the tunnel didn’t last long. I soon

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